The Placerville Church of the Nazarene is pleased to announce that Rev. Dan Hopkins was installed as lead pastor on June 5.
Rev. Hopkins most recently served as an associate pastor at Lodi Faith Community Church, as well as District Missions president and District Ministerial Studies secretary. Dan and his wife Brenda (an ordained deacon) have served at Lodi Faith Community for seven and a half years. Prior to that they served in pastoral assignments in Arizona, California, Oregon and Kansas. They have also served as missionaries in the Commonwealth of Dominica, where Dan also served as district superintendent of the Caribbean District.
Dan is a graduate of Point Loma Nazarene University with bachelor’s degree and Olivet Nazarene University with a master’s degree and was ordained on the Northern California District in 1981.
The Hopkins enjoy their grandchildren, travel and sports, Giants and Warriors.
Placerville Church of the Nazarene is located at 6040 Mother Lode Drive, Placerville. All are welcome to attend Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. Children’s activities are also offered at 10:30 a.m.